Phantom Permanent Waxless Glide D.I.Y


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What is PHANTOM Glide™ Base Treatment?
PHANTOM Glide is a permanent, high-performance base treatment for skis and snowboards that increases hydrophobicity and improves glide performance across a variety of snow conditions. PHANTOM Glide is not wax. PHANTOM Glide differs from traditional wax because wax is not permanent. Wax is a temporary glide solution that functions only by coating the top layer of your base. After just a few runs, traditional wax wears off and glide performance diminishes.

With its patent-pending polymer technology, PHANTOM Glide uses microscopic short chain compounds to penetrate and diffuse into the unstructured sections of your ski or snowboard base. Think of it as water filling a jar of marbles, just on a molecular level. Traditional wax is not capable of doing this because wax molecules are too large to move through the base material. After PHANTOM Glide has been absorbed into the base, UV light is used to activate the curing process, permanently bonding PHANTOM Glide to the base material. This can be accomplished using a PHANTOM Glide Cure Station or natural, outdoor sunlight. After a single finishing pass with a roto brush or PHANTOM Glide Polishing Pad, your base(s) are fully treated and ready to glide.
